Persona: General Joe
Joe is 8 years old and is a reasonably bright young boy who achieves an average of grade B in his school work. He's an only child and lives with his parents who both work, however his Mother still manages to get home in time to pick him up from school each day.
Joe, like many boys his age, loves playing video games. However, he rarely completes them as he soon gets stuck on a level or becomes bored of them. Unfortunately for Joe, he lives in a big city in a house by a main road, this means he is unable to play outside with his friends except for in his small back garden.
His parents have a combined salary of £65,000 a year and can afford an up-to-date home PC and broadband internet connection which Joe is allowed to use under supervision. Joe's parents will not allow him to own a mobile phone as they believe he is not yet old enough and that he does not need one.
Eating Habits:
Joe is only allowed to buy sweets on a Friday afternoon after school, and is not allowed to drink fizzy beverages on weekdays. His Mother tries to cook a variety of meals every evening, however they usually eat a take out once a week when she is too busy to cook. Joe eats school lunches as his parents do not have enough time to prepare a packed lunch for him each day.
Joe’s hobbies includes bike riding in the local park at weekend and playing video games. He is also currently learning to swim.
A day in the life:
Joe is driven to school each morning by his Mother on her way to work. His favourite subject at school is History as he likes to listen to stories and learn about how other people have lived. He is not particularly bad at any subject, but he is not at the top of the class for any of them either. At break time he really enjoys pretending to be some of the historic characters he has learnt about with his friends, he especially likes to play at being the King of England. After school his Mother drives him home, on the odd occasion he goes home with a friend to play at their house and have dinner there. He is a member of the local Cubs group which meet every Tuesday after school and has a swimming lesson every Saturday morning.
Goals, fears and aspirations:
Joe is not really sure what he wants to do when he grows up and like most children his age goes through phases of what he is interested in, last year he really wanted to be a policeman but now he wants to be a dentist!
Computer skills:
Joe uses a computer at school at least once a week and occasionally uses his home computer to browse the internet (usually the CBBC site). He uses game consoles more than his home computer as he is able to load the games on his own without his parents help.
Market size and influence:
This has already been stated on Elliot’s persona.
General Joe's photograph was found on this site
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