HCI Project 2007

HCI 2 is a module at the Computer Science school at the University of Birmingham. The HCI Project 2007 blog is the place where the team will discuss ideas and processes involved in developing a 'useful piece of technology' for our target audience - children <= 11 years old.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Conclusion: Adele's Personal Conclusion

During this project I have learnt a great deal about user centered design by experiencing it in practice instead of only reading about it. I felt the team worked together efficiently and was well organised.

I enjoyed creating our original idea mind maps and how the team helped develop each members ideas. I wasn't too keen on discounting our Healthy Eating Device idea because I felt it had some good features and a lot of potential, however in the end I agreed that it would not be a device children would be inspired to use, therefore not worth developing for our target audience. I found that creating our own personas proved very useful especially when we all acted in character to answer questionnaires.

I think we could of benefited from having the chance to ask children what they would of thought of such a device and to ask them to suggest features they would like, unfortunately we never had the opportunity. Overall I am pleased with the progress we made and our results, I feel the project was definitely a success.



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