HCI Project 2007

HCI 2 is a module at the Computer Science school at the University of Birmingham. The HCI Project 2007 blog is the place where the team will discuss ideas and processes involved in developing a 'useful piece of technology' for our target audience - children <= 11 years old.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Case: Technology vs Blindness

This article is about how children overcome varying levels of blindness using technology to compete in a competition. The first thing that occurred to me is that someone, who worked with technology, must have one day decided that they wanted to focus their efforts producing a 'useful piece of technology' for blind kids. As we've spoken before, targeting a minority might be a good idea, as this will make the specification more specific.

The second thing I thought this article was useful for is to highlight pieces of technology that we might be able to use if we decided to target visually impaired children with our project.

The final issue that this article raised was how some of the technology these kids are using e.g. Braille typewriters, special laptops, specialised word processing applications are all adapted pieces of technology. We don't have to solve blindness with some sort of fictional piece of technology, we could just make blind children's lives better by taking something that isn't specialised for the blind and adapting it for example, an iPod that reads the menus and song titles and has Braille on the interface.

If you wish to find out more click here



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