Discontinued Ideas: Sports Training Tool
After the first supervisor meeting, we had decided that we should eliminate one of the final two ideas before we move on to the next development stage. To do this we decided that we would use preliminary questionnaires, draft use cases/scenarios, our personas and general discussion to weed out the weakest link.
With the questionnaires constructed for each remaining final idea, each team member answered the questionnaire under the guise of our personas. The results were then combined and posted (see below). The sports training tool didn't fair very well. Critically only one persona had ever used a Nintendo Wii and one persona didn't even know what one was. The critical questions about the ease of use of the Wii control system were therefore unanswered in most cases. This is obviously due to the fact that the UK is suffering from a Wii shortage and although many people want a Nintendo Wii, they are simply unable to buy one. This left a lot of the analysis of the results in tatters. The second problem for the sports training tool is that the tool was going to help children build up confidence by improving skill levels, thus helping them get more fit and healthy by wanting to take part in exercise more, but only one persona really suffered from any real confidence problems. Children, whilst in a P.E. lesson, rarely take much notice of mistakes during sport because the class as a whole have a very low skill level. Furthermore the amount of exercise our personas currently do, would suggest that there would be very little gain from a computer helping them become more skillful because few have a real interest in sports that the sports tool could be used for.
Deciding on the use cases and the scenarios for the sports tool made us realise that it was quite a one dimensional idea. Our main ideas centred around a class using the apparatus to train on certain skills in different sports. The group questioned whether the system would even be beneficial to school children, as many are not aiming to develop such a skill level. We then discussed how this tool may be used at a training academy. However, this is where the idea starts to appear extremely weak. At a sports training academy there are already methods and experienced teachers to give the students one-to-one training. There would be very little benefit.
Finally our discussions brought us to the feasibility of designing the tool. We would have to decide on the design of the hardware, the computer system that gives the child feedback, the training programmes and all the interfaces. On top of that, if the tool was used at a school, it would take up a substantial space, which many schools would be unable to cater for.
This has lead us to our decision to abandon the Sports Training Tool from this point forward.
Labels: Final Project Ideas