HCI Project 2007

HCI 2 is a module at the Computer Science school at the University of Birmingham. The HCI Project 2007 blog is the place where the team will discuss ideas and processes involved in developing a 'useful piece of technology' for our target audience - children <= 11 years old.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Questionnaire: Word Scanner Test Responses

Paul Anderson
Tracy Burke
Freddie Ford
Joe Jackson
Kate Patterson

  1. Did you find the device comfortable to use?
  2. It was quite uncomfortable.
    The scanner was good to hold horizontally. It was difficult to grip when trying to scan a word, edges hurt my fingers.
    It fitted in my hand ok, but I found it uncomfortable to use.
    Yes, I suppose so.
    It was quite comfortable, I could still use it even with my disability.

  3. If you didn't, why?
  4. I'm left handed so pressing the scan button and moving the word scanner over the word was quite difficult whilst ensuring it scanned properly.
    I want to be able to grip it better.
    There was no grip and my hand kept sliding down the pen, also I don’t hold my pen like most people at school and the scan button was difficult to hold when scanning. I should really learn to hold my pen properly, then I would find it easy.
    The buttons were in good places, but the shape of it was a little square.

  5. Would you make the device bigger/smaller or leave it the same size?
  6. The scanner is quite a good size.
    I would like to make it bigger, so that the screen and buttons could be bigger.

    I would keep the pen the same size, maybe a little longer.
    It shouldn't be smaller, else the screen would have to be smaller.
    I think it would be easier to use if it was a little bigger. Then the screen could be made bigger too.

  7. Is the scan button big enough?
  8. Difficult to answer question due to left handed problem.
    It could be a little bigger because it was hard to hold down when using it.


  9. Is the scroll bar easy to use?
  10. Once you get used to it its much better than buttons would be.
    I liked the scroll bar a lot, it was easy to use, like on my Dad’s car radio.
    Yes, it's like the one on my computer mouse.

  11. Did you find scanning a word easy to do?
  12. Yes.
    Yes, I really enjoyed using it.

    Well not while holding the pen like im used to, but it seems ok if I hold it properly.
    It felt quite strange at first but I soon got used to it.
    Yes, the whole system was quite straightforward.

  13. If you didn't, what did you find hard?
  14. Due to the left-handed problem, I had to choose between holding the word scanner so the screen was facing away from me or holding the scan button down with my right hand.


  15. Was the speech helpful in understanding the word you scanned?
  16. Yes as understanding how words sound often causes me problems.
    It helped me read the words that were too big.

    Yes it was very helpful, I really liked the idea behind splitting the word up, this made it a lot easier when trying to say harder words.
    Yes because with a lot of words, when I read them I don't recognise what they are but when someone says them out loud I do.
    Yes, it made hard-to-read words more understandable.

  17. Did you find the screen easy to read and understand?
  18. Apart from the left-handed problem, it was fine.
    It was easy to read. I think it should be bigger.
    Yes, I found the screen farily easy to read and using the controls with it.
    Yes it was okay, but maybe a bit small.
    It was a little small.

  19. If you didn't, what didn't you like?
  20. NA
    Screen should be longer and wider.

    The size of it.
    It was ok, but could be bigger

  21. Did you find the Dictionary definition and the Thesaurus entries easy to understand?
  22. Most of them were ok, but I had to ask my Dad about a couple of them.
    I really liked how the words were made to sound easy. I think it would help me a lot. I want one.

    The Dictionary was great, the Thesaurus was also useful even though some of the other words it came up with I had never seen before.
    Some of the definitions for the words were a little complicated to understand but the Thesaurus was good because the similar words helped me understand more.
    Some of them were easy, others had some words in that were a bit too long for me.

  23. Did you find them helpful in understanding the word you scanned?

  24. Yes.
    Yes, I sometimes find words hard to read, even if I know what they mean.

    Yes, they were very helpful.
    The Thesaurus was really helpful, yes.

  25. Did you find it easy to connect the device to the PC?

  26. I had to ask my Dad to show me how to do it the first time, but then it was easy.
    It’s easy, I’ve done it before at home.

    Yeah you just plug it in.
    Yes, because it connects just the same as Dad's camera.
    Yes, that was quite easy - the program on the screen helped a lot.

NB: The questionnaire has been engineered with the concept of having an adult talking through the questionnaire with the child, not for the questionnaire to be distributed amongst lots of children. The answers would also be filled in by the adult, and questions that have multiple possibilities or questions with a 'ranged' answer would all be dealt with by the adult, not the child.


Evaluation: Critical Appraisal

Our first prototype built on ours designs is around 8cm long and this feels a bit short in for my hand, obviously this product is aimed at users with smaller hands. The button layout is quite good and the size and placing of the buttons reflect their purpose.

The device is not particularly ergonomic and would be quite uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time. The device is a suitable size to be carried in the pocket or around the neck but could afford to be larger without compromising this. Operation is fairly intuitive and the menu's are clear, however the screen size is limited by the size of the device and could benefit from being enlarged.

Scanning words is simple although takes some getting used to. The combination of audio and visual output make the device fun and accessible although screen size is a hindrance of on-screen information.

Connecting the device to a PC is straight forward and is the same as all other USB style devices such as cameras and MP3 players. This activity may require assistance from a computer literate adult but could easily be demonstrated and understood.

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Prototype: Word Scanner Interface

Me and Elliot decided to make a mock up interface which would be shown on the device. This interface is made on a PowerPoint presentation and the controls of the word scanning device have also been simulated in the presentation to show how the users interaction with the device controls the menu options on the LCD screen.

To view the PowerPoint presentation click on the slide picture below:

To view a PowerPoint Show of the interface click HERE
