Persona: Porky Paul

Paul Anderson, known to his mates as Porky Paul, is 9 years old and has been oven weight since he can first remember. His housewife mother and twin older brothers (Lardy Luke and Chubby Charles) are also over weight, his dad is of medium build and works at the local council where he earns around £25,000 per annum. Paul lives in a small town surrounded by countryside landscapes, but often finds himself bored with there being little for young people to do in town.
Eating Habits:
Paul's mum is half Italian and as a result, Paul has developed a taste for lasagna, pizza and large portions!
A day in the life:
Paul walks to and from school with his brothers, it takes about 5 minutes. At school, Paul is teased for being overweight and as a result his least favourite lesson is P.E. He is always picked last. Paul tries hard to impress the kids at school by larking about and playing the fool; he often finds himself in trouble with teachers although never for anything serious. Paul's favourite lesson is drama where he can really let his bubbly personality carry him.
Paul spends most of his time at home watching TV, he loves cooking shows and aspires to own an Italian restaurant when he's older; he enjoys helping his mum in the kitchen.
Goals, fears and aspirations:
Paul's main goal is to open his own restaurant. Paul loves being on stage and being center of attention. He sometimes gets upset by bullies and is not worried about his weight.
Paul's dad is concerned about his children and their growing weight problems and tries to encourage Luke, Charles and Paul to get active and eat better but his words appear to fall on deaf ears.
Computer skills:
Paul's family has a PC at home which they share, but he doesnt get much use out of it. He has a games console in his room which he plays at least twice a week.
Market size and influence:
This has already been stated on Elliot’s persona.
Labels: Personas