HCI Project 2007

HCI 2 is a module at the Computer Science school at the University of Birmingham. The HCI Project 2007 blog is the place where the team will discuss ideas and processes involved in developing a 'useful piece of technology' for our target audience - children <= 11 years old.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Prototype: Word Scanning Device Redesigned

Here are the pictures of the new prototype plasticine model made by Elliot. This prototype model indicates all the physical changes made to the original prototype developed.

This picture shows the USB socket on the device along with the headphone socket, which was part of the original concept but was never indicated on the original plasticine model:

Device now works well for both Left and Right handed people, after Paul's walkthrough indicated that because he was left handed the screen was upside down whilst scanning. We have rectified this by adding a screen flip option in the menu system.


Case: But can they hear it?

According to the Windows User Interface Technical Articles, any sounds that play that can be turned off (or if the device is used in a noisy environment which leads to the sounds not being heard) should be accompanied by a message.

Our system meets this criteria as now that we have added the 'beeping' sound for when the device is scanning a word, the screen also displays the message 'Scanning'. This is all information regarding the practical aspects of human-computer interaction.

The post from the Microsoft Website can be found here.
